fantastic as usual
this was frickin hilarious xD
and the little arguement about when the guy's character got killed off was priceless xDDD
but, there does seem to have been a significant decrease in the quality of the artwork in this one compared to the last episode
im assuming you where under time constraints as well as budget cuts or something (the cloud's over Yusuke's mouth so hide the lack of well-animated-lip-synching, being his last line in the show ;P)
but this has been in the works for quite a while, im not complaining or anything, its just that its a bit dissapointing since, based on how much of an improvement Episode 2 was over Episode 1, i was hoping Episode 3 would have better quality art, and instead it came across as a tad sloppy and rushed
still no complaints though
funny as hell
awesome as hell
cool as hell
keep up the great work :)